Victory of the Palestine Action Comittee: the State Council cancels the dissolution of the association.

29/04/2022 Palestine Action Comittee

The State Council, by a historic decision, administered a slap in the face to the French government. Unlike the allegations of the French interior minister stating that the anti-zionist positions of the Palestine Action Comittee could be defined as anti-semitic and as an incitement to terrorism, the State Council said that the dissolution of the association was a serious attack to freedom of expression and association.

victory is not just ours. It is the victory of all sincere anti-Zionist activists.
It is that of all those who sacrifice themselves for the liberation of

During the
hearing, the Palestine Action Comitee did not deny itself. It spoke loud
and clear about the claims of the Palestinian people and their main
organizations. It made a point of specifying, in accordance with its political
charter, that the Palestine Action Committee supports the resistance of
the Palestinian people in all its forms. He recalled the non-negotiable
principle of the sovereignty of the Palestinian, Lebanese, Afghan peoples…

It was an
honor for the Palestine Action Committee to express before the judges the
intolerable situation of our comrade Georges Ibrahim Abdallah and to recall the
Zionist massacres, emphasizing those of Sabra and Shatila.

We would
like to sincerely thank all our supporters, in particular the Unitary Campaign
for the Liberation of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah and the International Solidarity

Finally, we would like to dedicate this victory to the Palestinian people and their struggle. This struggle is our compass and we will not deviate a single iota from it.

Strength and Victory to the Palestinian People!